- The funds were obtained through registrations for the 18th edition of Kosta Trail held in Uribe Kosta in June 2024, and organised by Forum Sport, Salomon and LaboraL Kutxa
- GaituzSport Foundation will use the funds for inclusive physical activity and sports programmes for the disABLED
At GaituzSport we finished the year feeling very grateful. Kosta Trail, the flagship sporting event running along the Uribe Kosta cliffs and trails finished yet another year with their traditional gesture of solidarity. In this edition, the organisation donated 13,700 Euros to GaituzSport Foundation, beneficiary of the last editions, to support the execution of inclusive physical activity and sports programmes aimed at the disABLED.
The official awarding took place at the Forum Sport store in Moyua, Bilbao, with the attendance of Xabier Leizea and Marta Fernández Rivera, GaituzSport chairman and communication manager respectively; Jesús Beamonte, Forum Sport Advertising & Communication Director with Izaskun Casas from the Forum Sport marketing team, Álvaro Parro Laboral Kutxa territorial communication technician and Alejandro Martínez, Eroski Health, Quality & Sustainability Director.
GaituzSport will be using this donation to drive programmes promoting equal opportunities and facilitating access for the disABLED to physical-sporting activity, thereby contributing to improvement in their health, quality of life and social inclusion.
Beamonte stated: “We’re proud of the fact Kosta Trail fosters sport and solidarity, besides encouraging values like inclusion and respect for the environment. Collaboration with GaituzSport perfectly reflects the spirit of this event, i.e. working together to make sport accessible to everyone regardless of their circumstances. A collaboration, which reflects the need for inclusion, to convert sport into a space for equality and union.”
On behalf of the beneficiary, Xabier Leizea expressed: “our thanks to the Kosta Trail organisation along with participants and volunteers’ tide of solidarity once again supporting inclusion via sport. At GaituzSport sport is an invaluable health and inclusion tool which brings people together putting everyone on equal footing regardless of their condition. And let’s not forget donations with these characteristics like that of Kosta Trail enable us to continue advancing towards true inclusion.”
Kosta Trail with its 18 year history has consolidated its position as a pioneering solidarity-sporting event in its genre, offering 3 modalities for all kinds of people, namely: a mountain half marathon (21 km), mountain hike (20 km) and family hiker (7 km). Its spectacular route along the Uribe Kosta cliffs and beaches combines earth, sand and asphalt, converting this event into an absolute must for nature and sport lovers.
The organisation is already working on the preparations for the next edition planned for June 2025, to continue promoting inclusive sport, solidarity and sustainability.
Many thanks to the organisation of Kosta Trail, Forum Sport, Salomón and Laboral Kutxa, likewise the numerous participants, over 4,000 in this great edition, not to mention the volunteers for their essential work and everyone else who took part to make it possible.
Special thanks go to Jesús Beamonte and Izaskun Casas for being the heart of such a special event.
We continue weaving the inclusion network!