GaituzSport came about to specialise in the provision of resources facilitating normalised access for the disabled to do physical activity within community contexts, thereby, demolishing participation obstacles besides innovating new processes and improving the existing.
Sport and physical activity are present at all levels of society and comprise an activity of general interest contributing to the integral training and development of a person. Its practice is a basic right; yet not all the public can access this in equal conditions either due to their social conditions or disability.
Different administrations have come together to implement inclusive models, since inclusion of the disabled is a priority hub in Basque social policy not to mention essential for the society in which we live.
The future society to which GaituzSport is committed is inclusive where everybody with their diversity can live as per their freely chosen conditions, equality, participation, likewise full citizenship.
A society with an advanced Social Wellbeing Status guaranteeing universal quality cover for a series of services supports and programmes capable of developing efficient social exclusion risk prevention strategies.
The aims of actions fostered and undertaken by GaituzSport are to ensure EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES and inclusive participation of the disABLED without limits or barriers.
To meet these goals we drive Physical Activity and Sports programmes facilitating their social insertion as well as improving their skills, talent and experiences in different areas (health, education, municipal, attendance, etc.).
SOCIAL COMMITMENT: At GaituzSport we work to achieve collective wellbeing resulting in the contribution to social equality
PERSONAL & SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT: Because at GaituzSport we work for empowerment through everybody’s full participation in equal conditions
HONESTY: Acting with the ethics, transparency and respect demanded by any activity
LEADERSHIP: At GaituzSport to achieve inclusion we defend the need for transversal intervention connected to the different disciplines
PLANNING: We foster the appearance of new actions, projects and quality services
RESPONSIBILITY: Because at GaituzSport we look out for people’s well-being, satisfaction and improvement in life quality.
RESPECT: At GaituzSport we take on the universal scope of human rights working so they become a reality for everybody equally