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4th GaituzSport Weaving Networks Forum – “Being a woman and disABLED is double discrimination”


 The 4th GaituzSport Forum “Weaving networks for inclusion via Physical Activity and Sport” focused on women and disABLED held at Hotel Carlton in Bilbao and sponsored by the Basque Government, Bizkaia Provincial Council, Laboral Kutxa and Kirolene was a great success.

A space for dialogue, discussion and exchanging experiences with over 100 people attending (venue full), which could also be followed via streaming.

At GaituzSport we believe physical activity and sport are powerful health and inclusion tools for everybody. Furthermore, we are the reference facilitating agent for inclusion through physical activity and sport for the disABLED, since this collective in particular comes up against the barriers when trying to gain access to do sport.

 Our R+D+i Area led by our research colleague Sheila Romero da Cruz carried out a study on “The impact of physical-sports activity on disABLED women in the Basque Country”, which provided us with context to put together this necessary encounter.



The encounter moderated by Xabier Leizea, GaituzSport Chairman and Kirolene Teacher, together with health reporter, Marta Fernández Rivera, GaituzSport Communication and Marketing Manager began with Paralympian Nahia Zudaire, vice-world and European swimming champion’s experience.

In addition to her sports achievements we centred on her most personal side. When she was 15 months old she was diagnosed with a heart disease causing paraparesis leading to loss of mobility in her lower limbs, meaning she had to learn how to walk again. When she was 2 her parents enrolled her for swimming and since then water is her natural habitat and where she feels most comfortable.

“Thanks to how my parents brought me up I’ve never been discriminated against or made uncomfortable due to my disABILITY, and have always been just another swimmer.”


At the first discussion table “Women and disABILITY – A global perspective, Equal Opportunities, Fostering change in social, cultural and economic structures”, the speakers were: Ana Belén Otero, Basque Government Deputy Minister; Miren Elgarresta Larrabide, Emakunde Director; Isabel Iturbe Mach, Bilbao Basket Chairwoman; Ainhoa Ruiz del Agua, Surfer with ME, and Rocio Matías Blanco, ASASAM Manager.

They were unanimous in their declarations highlighting that to be a woman and disABLED was double discrimination. Moreover, they confirmed ageism affects disABLED women even more and that the work of the media is essential in offering real images besides giving visibility to women in the area of physical activity and sports to advance and do away with these stereotypes.

The second discussion table dealt with “Physical Activity and Sport as inclusion tools for women; i.e. benefits, barriers, social policies, resources and improvement actions”, with the following speakers: Uxue Fernández Lasa, AKTIBOki & GIKAFIT Researcher, Teacher attached to the UPV/EHU Department of Physical Education & Sports, Education and Sports Faculty; Belén González of ACAMBI; Txema Alonso, Bidaideak Bilbao BSR Chairman, and Izaskun Elorduy, Mutualia Physiotherapist.

They highlighted sports continued to be highly male dominated, likewise the barriers encountered by disabled women to do physical activity-sports; likewise the lack of data and studies regarding their participation.

They unanimously highlighted the benefits disABLED women obtain from doing physical activity and sports in terms of physical-mental health, socialisation, likewise improvement in their self-confidence, personal autonomy and social inclusion.

An interactive discussion was held with the participation of event attendees and via streaming. You can now watch the Forum videos on GaituzSport YouTube channel. 

 The event concluded with an ecstatic family photo/video to the shout of inclusion, followed by an enjoyable cocktail – networking.


As with all GaituzSport events, the Forum was organised from a true inclusive perspective, i.e. with an inclusive perspective in all organisational aspects, starting with a diaphanous space and providing all the resources necessary so everyone can take part and follow the event in equal conditions, i.e.: space, arrangement of the room and chairs, all spaces with accessibility (access to Hotel, room, cocktail, toilets, etc.), stage with ramp, and sign language interpreters, etc.

We continue weaving the inclusion network, a marathon and task for society as a whole!



GaituzSport was born in 2014 as a Social Innovation Project of the Basque Adapted Sports Federation, to respond to the reflections that emerged from the Euskadi Adapted Sports Plan 2015-2020.