The Gipuzkoa Surf Championship which will be held on Zurriola beach in San Sebastian from 6th to 8th July comes with some important changes. Organised by the Gipuzkoako Surf Federazioa – Gipuzkoa Surf Federation, this edition is combining inclusion and culture with the occasion of the I Donosti FederArte Fest, and will be the protagonists of a Championship, which according to Maialen Sáez, the Federation Chairwoman: “it’s the rebirth of surf in Gipuzkoa and we’d like to highlight the values of this sport, namely: equality, solidarity, environment friendly, as well as going one step further towards inclusion”.
This is why GaituzSport is working with the Gipuzkoa Surf Federation and the great surfer Axi Muniain, to hold an inclusive surf session on 7th July. The Gipuzkoa Adapted Sport Federation will also be collaborating.
The event was presented last Friday at Kutxa Kultur Plaza de Tabakalera. Xabier Leizea, GaituzSport General Co-ordinator stated during his speech after expressing his thanks for the initiative, that “we’re working the championship so everyone disabled or abled can enjoy the surf session on 7th July in equal conditions”.
GaituzSport is a social innovation project of the Basque Adapted Sport Federation, a platform generating community and works in a network to foster physical activity and sport among the population from an inclusive perspective. In this sense, Xabier Leizea explained that, “we’re co-ordinating a team of instructors specialised in surf, sport and disability in this first experience of inclusive surf, which will have continuity.”
Axi Muniain highlighted, “the need for inclusion in surf” and explained the courses they will be giving with the participation of 48 people, half of them disabled through GaituzSport; and the other half of 12 socially marginalised people in collaboration with Bizi Poza, and 12 surfers from the Groseko Indarra team.
Competition and cultural activities in the best environment
150 surfers will take part in the different modalities of the championship: surf, longboard, SUP and body-board. In addition, the Basque Federation has also invited those of: Galicia, Asturias, Cantabria, Catalunya and Andalusia to share and enjoy the 3 days of surf, exchanging experiences and cultural activities.
The cultural activities organised by the I Donosti FederArte Fest, a Basque Surf Federation initiative combining sport and culture include:
- Skate Master class,
- Fashion Runways, FederArte Market
- DJs, Concerts
- Second-hand Surf Goods Street Market
We should like to thank the Gipuzkoa Surf Federation, their Chairwoman Sáez and surfer Axi Muniain, for organising this great event and their awareness to convert the Great Gipuzkoa Surf Festival an inclusive sports and meeting place for everyone.
Together, we go forward:))