Kosta Trail solidarity race managed to raise 11,000 euros, which in its 14th edition was for Fundación GaituzSport Fundazioa, which fosters the inclusion of everyone with or without disABILITY, via the practice of Physical Activity and Sport.
Over 3,600 people connected through sport and solidarity took part in the race and hikes on 9th June.
Kosta Trail, the popular race with a solidarity purpose organised by Forum Sport, Salomon and Laboral Kutxa, brought together over 3,600 trail running and mountain hiking enthusiasts in Sopela on 9th June. The solidarity spirit which has accompanied it from the beginning culminated yesterday when part of the funds raised in its 14th edition was gifted.
Thanks to this year’s registrations, Kosta Trail managed to raise 11,000 euros which were donated to Fundación GaituzSport Fundazioa, which works to build an inclusive society with respect for diversity; and drives the practice of Physical Activity and Sport among people with and without disABILITY in equal conditions, improving their quality of life.
The cheque was given on Monday, i.e. yesterday at the Forum Sport Shop in Campuzano, Bilbao. Porfirio Hernández Zubizarreta Chairman of GaituzSport received the cheque at the hand of Jesus Beamonte, director of Forum Sport Communication & Advertising, and Jose Ramón Taranco, territorial head of Laboral Kutxa sponsorships.
GaituzSport Chairman wished to thank and give value to the importance of inclusion in his speech: “We wish to express our gratitude to Forum Sport, Salomon and Laboral Kutxa, Kosta Trail’s main sponsors for their awareness and support of inclusion through sport. Likewise all the people and solidarity families who took part in the race and hikes. Their collaboration enables us to continue working at GaituzSport, to achieve a more inclusive society through physical activity and sport, so everyone with and without disABILITY can take part and enjoy in equal conditions, improving their quality of life, health, personal autonomy and social integration. Porfirio concluded his speech stating “sport a great inclusion channel”.
Jesus Beamonte declared that “for Kosta Trail it’s a pleasure and an honour to be able support bodies like GaituzSport with sport, whose work contributes extraordinarily in the constructions of a more diverse and inclusive society via physical activity. We share with them the values of personal improvement and passion for sport. That’s why it’s a privilege for us to foster these values with a collective united through sport and solidarity, which never fails year after year”.
MANY THANKS to everyone who made this great Kosta Trail (Organisers, sponsors, participants, volunteers, etc.) possible. The support received and funds raised help and encourage us to continue working with greater hope for an inclusive society where everyone can take part and enjoy Physical Activity and Sport in equal conditions.