Foundation GaituzSport Fundazioa, drives and sponsors the 5 ‘INCLUSIVE SURF EXPERIENCE’ Sessions organised by the Gipuzkoa Surf Federation, under the ‘Federarte Festibalaren Zirkuitoa 2019.’
Zurriola Beach in Donostia is holding the Gipuzkoa Surf Championship organised by the Gipuzkoa Surf Federation on 5th, 6th and 7th July as part of the ‘FederArte’ programme; an initiative fostering: equality, environment friendly and inclusion values via their cultural and entertaining activities.
You’ll be able to enjoy the best surf, other market activities and DJs in Groseko Indarra, etc., throughout the weekend. Inclusion will be the protagonist again this year in the ‘Inclusive Surf Experience’ on Saturday 6th July in the afternoon/evening.
Jump on the wave of inclusion!
Our work focuses on fostering the inclusion of everyone via the practice of Physical Activity and Sport. We work in a network with other bodies to advance in real inclusion and the participation of everyone with and without disABILITY in equal conditions.
This is why; GaituzSport is sponsoring ‘FederArte’, a great initiative where we encourage inclusion via ‘Inclusive Surf Experiences’ in collaboration with Axi Muniain, Axi Muniain Eskola eta Federación Guipuzcoana de Deporte Adaptado. The aim is for people with and without disABILITY to take part and enjoy surfing together, in an inclusive fashion and equal conditions.
We co-ordinate and ensure activity inclusion, providing knowledge together with:
- Human Resources and necessary materials
- Prior functional assessment
- Specialised supervision
- Changing room support and accompanying
- Accessibility and technical assistance
Come on! Take part! And enjoy the great surf festival for everyone in the best circles.
Forthcoming ‘Inclusive Surf Experiences’ are in Deba (7th September) and Orio (5th October).
For further information and registrations: / Telephone: +34 622022063