GaituzSport awareness programme is part of the actions we undertake in the Education Area.
In the educational area we carry out our work in the curricular space together with Kirolene, the Basque Government Sports Education Centre; offering professionals advice and training to favour inclusion in the area of physical education.
Furthermore, we have to make the environments receptive to these adaptations and proposals with initiatives like awareness in order for this inclusion real to be real.
This programme, financed by the Basque Government Education Department brings the reality of disability to children in schools via physical education and play. The main aims of this initiative are to change: social perceptions and negative stereotypes towards the disABLED and foster respect for diversity and inclusion.
The aim is to visualise the positive values of disability via sport and emphasise the possibility message of educational INCLUSION with social transference.
During 2019 we will carry out a total of 55 awareness sessions at Schools in Bizkaia and Gipuzkoa; with specialised monitoring by GaituzSport, Haszten Kirola and the Gipuzkoa Adapted Sports Federation via the collaboration agreement entered into with these 2 bodies to carry out these awareness sessions.
- Bring the world of disABILITY to school students
- Foster INCLUSION, and respect for diversity
- Motivate reflection on social stereotypes and prejudices
- Train and make teachers aware to enable total inclusion of disABLED students in school Physical Education and Sports.
- Knowledge about the terms: deficiency, disABILITY and handicap
- Knowledge about the different disabilities
- Knowledge about the Paralympic movement
- Knowledge about adapted sports undertaken according to different disabilities
- Knowledge about the different actions which can be taken to achieve integration and normalisation of the disABLED
- Games of awareness experimenting disABILITY via the privation of a sense or immobilisation of limbs
- Practising adapted sports
- Use of specific material and technical assistance (wheelchairs, sound balls, etc.)
- Dealing with the architectural barriers of the School occupying the place of the disABLED person. Guiding techniques for the blind and wheelchair guidance
- Making flashcards to foster reflection on how the disABLED are treated in today’s society
- Solidarity
- Respect
- Equal rights and opportunities
- Social Inclusion
- Acceptance of diversity
- Acceptance of the same person with his/her differences in front of others
- Will/Determination
- Personal improvement
- Effort
- Constancy
- Acceptance of the ‘non-immediacy of results’ and one’s own limits
‘Txokos’ with theoretical and practical activities
In each awareness situation at a School, the monitors divide the participating students into groups and each group works in different ‘txokos’.
Different activities are carried out in each ‘txoko’, with the students passing through each of them until all the awareness programme activities have been completed with theoretical section and practical activities.
Active participation of the teachers present is highly important they help dynamize the session activities while at the same time acquiring the necessary training so they can continue fostering the inclusion of the disABLED students in the Physical Education sessions.
The activities to be carried out in the ‘txokos’ are the following:
- Theoretical information imparted via audiovisual media
- Chats/discussions where after a brief presentation by the monitors, it will be the students who dynamize the activity via their questions and/or comments.
- Practical workshops where inclusive sports practices are proposed with game based proposals using technical assistance to interiorise and feel participation with equal opportunities in diversity is possible.
- Use of flashcards and documents so students can tackle the topic of disability before or after our intervention.
The response of the students taking part in the awareness sessions is being highly satisfactory due to their active and conscious involvement and participation. The Schools and teachers where these activities have already been carried out have valued the GaituzSport Awareness programme as: “highly positive for fostering inclusion and respect for diversity in an educational manner via the use of tools, physical education and play”.