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The GaituzSport Awards will be awarded at the Kursaal Donostia Conference Centre on 20th April


  • They acknowledge the exemplary work of people and bodies via physical activity and sport to achieve a fairer, healthier, more equal and inclusive society.
  • 200 noteworthy people from all walks of life will attend “The Inclusive Night” event, which you can also follow live via streaming.

Donostia – San Sebastián will hold the 7th edition of “The Inclusive Night – Gau Inklusiboa”, when the GaituzSport Awards will be handed out. The event organised by the GaituzSport Fundazioa Foundation, with sponsorship from the Basque Government, Donostia/San Sebastian City Hall, Gipuzkoa Provincial Council and Laboral Kutxa, will be held in Kursaal Donostia on 20th April at 7:30pm.


The aim of the event is to boost social inclusion handing out the GaituzSport Awards in recognition of the exemplary work of people and bodies via Physical Activity and Sport to achieve a fairer, healthier, more equal and inclusive society.

The great inclusion night gives sport value as a powerful inclusion tool which helps tear down barriers and stereotypes associated with disability and generate Community.

200 noteworthy people from all areas of Basque society will attend “The Inclusive Night” event with notable institutional attendance. The names of the awardees in the 6 categories will shortly be made public.

The event can also be followed live via streaming and shared via networks with the hashtag #gauinklusiboa



GaituzSport was born in 2014 as a Social Innovation Project of the Basque Adapted Sports Federation, to respond to the reflections that emerged from the Euskadi Adapted Sports Plan 2015-2020.