Research is part of the GaituzSport DNA. “Move! You can too“ is one of our research projects we’re undertaking with the Sports & PE Department of the University of the Basque Country Faculty of Sports & PE UPV /EHU.
The purpose of this research is to find out and analyse the degree of the disABLED inclusion in Sports and Physical Activity.
GaituzSport and UPV/EHU Health and Technical Area Professionals started measuring the functional capacities of the disabled who take part in our Physical Activity Programmes and Services on 1st February.
Thus work subgroup 1 of the “Move! You can too” project gathers the data and information necessary by measuring the motor skills and physical condition of these people; to check whether this is a relevant factor in physical activity and sports inclusion.
These work sessions have begun in the Barakaldo sports centre of Lasesarre and will be continued in the other sports installations where GaituzSport works to learn the functional capacities of everyone taking part in the Physical Activity Programmes.
We continue working, providing knowledge, and undertaking the necessary research and strategies to facilitate inclusion of the disabled to do Physical Activity and Sports in equal conditions.