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Foundation GaituzSport Fundazioa, drives and sponsors the  5 ‘INCLUSIVE SURF EXPERIENCE’ Sessions organised by the Gipuzkoa Surf Federation,  under the ‘Federarte Festibalaren Zirkuitoa 2019.’ Zurriola...
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The 4th edition of ‘The Inclusive Night’ will be held at Kursaal Donostia, with the Prizegiving ceremony of the GaituzSport awards which acknowledge the exemplary...
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GaituzSport was born in 2014 as a Social Innovation Project of the Basque Adapted Sports Federation, to respond to the reflections that emerged from the Euskadi Adapted Sports Plan 2015-2020.

Publication in the Alcer Magazine nº 92 about our BIZI PREST RENAL health programme.

GaituzSport became incorporated as a Foundation in February 2019 after a transition period from January 2015 within the parent body, namely the Basque Adapted Sports Foundation. Fundación GaituzSport Fundazioa came about to provide tools which enable the development of a healthy inclusive society through physical activity and sport, on equal terms without differentiation because of health and/or disability.

In the GaituzSport YouTube channel focused on Physical Activity and Inclusive Sport you can see all the videos made by our body and learn more about our project, areas of work; physical activity, education and health programmes; workout routines and other videos about awareness, events, sessions, etc., with a view to sharing knowledge and fostering the inclusion of everybody via Physical Activity and Sport.

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GaituzSport organizes: social awareness, sporting, and solidarity events as well as debates where knowledge and experiences are exchanged to disseminate and foster inclusion in society. Among these events, ‘The Inclusive Night – GaituzSport Awards’ deserves a special mention due to the enormous institutional and social support received every year since its first edition in 2016, plus the enormous repercussion in the media (In compliance with capacity regulations due to Covid-19, no events were held during 2020).