Through Kirolene, the Basque Government Sports Teaching Centre, GaituzSport is carrying out an inclusive physical education programme for disabled children.
This initiative is driven by the Education Department via the Educational Innovation Directorate in collaboration with Berritzegune Nagusia.
The first stage of this programme provides advice and training for Physical Education teachers and professionals for special education needs. This latter collective includes: therapeutic pedagogues, consultants, counsellors, educational support specialists, not to mention physio- and occupational therapists.
Initial information is provided from a multidisciplinary perspective so that in the second stage syllabus changes can be tackled in the physical education area.
During this training, theoretical knowledge is imparted for application in the practical sessions with educational itineraries favouring strategies which facilitate the inclusion of all students. Planning is carried out bearing in mind the diversity.
In the advisory field the educational particularly physical education teachers are given the opportunity to have expert support and follow-up in different areas:
- Adaptation of tasks regarding Physical Education syllabus contents
- Election of specific materials
Theory and practical sessions are arranged with the Berritzegune organiser.