We at GaituzSport are references in the development of innovative methodologies and tools in the sphere of inclusive physical activity. We present “Kiprest”, a digital support platform to facilitate access to physical activity and/or sport for the disabled and/or with health problems thereby favouring their inclusion process.
This new tool is part of our municipal action scope to enable the disabled to access physical activity and/or sports practice with equal conditions in the context of normalised community sports.
Kiprest, is a fast user friendly cutting edge communication and co-ordination mobile App accessible from all mobile devices. A safe high performance “Native Progressive Web App” designed by Irontec based on dynamic methodologies together with high level security standards ensuring the user’s privacy.
Kiprest has been operating in beta mode for a year with disABLED users of the GaituzSport health and physical activity programmes; GaituzSport Technical Area professionals and sports instructors of the installations where the tool has been tested until its maximum optimization and efficiency were achieved. It’s currently available for anyone interested.
- Information on the most appropriate physical/sports activities
- Installations where available
- Physical activity recommendations as per disABILITY/pathology
- Professional advice and orientation
- GaituzSport offers you tools and accompaniment during the first sessions.
- A permanent communication channel is available with advice and orientation from GaituzSport health and physical activity professionals (PE & Sports Graduates); and the sports installations own sports instructors.
- Personalised co-ordination and follow-up of your evolution in physical activity sessions with specific recommendations.
Kiprest can be used on any mobile device.
Available for download now from Apple Store and Google Play
Physical activity and sports are valuable health and social inclusion tools. ANYONE can practise physical activity and sports with the appropriate resources provided by GaituzSport.
For your health, get active!!
The following video offers a visual explanation of “Kiprest” with real users like Marta Sánchez disABLED due to a stroke. The App gave her the motivation required to get from the sofa and sedentary lifestyle to join the sports centre to do physical activities, thus greatly improving her quality of life.